Assessment Material

Assessment Material

Please see the Assessment post for examples on how to use these assessment sheets. 

Baseline Assessment

This is a work in progress document. It really depends on what you want to assess as a school when your children enter. 

In this assessment sheet I have tried to concentrate on elements that link to further development, such as settling itn skills, fine motor control and behavioural issues. 

Catch as You Can Assessment (CAYC)

Each setting will have their own priorities for a Catch as You Can observation but we feel that Catch as You Can is an excellent opportunity to observe children's characteristics of learning, which is what this CAYC observation sheet focuses on. 

Large Group Observation Sheet

A very quick assessment sheet which collects all children's attainment on one page. 

Very similar to a post it note observation, this sheet gives a very quick and brief overview. 

Small Group Observation Sheet

I use this sheet as an aide-mémoire after I've worked with a group. It's also good for if a supply teacher or TA is working with a group as there is room to include the objectives and targets for the group, as well as next steps comments. 

Also useful for guided reading groups. 

Magic Moment Cards (Classroom use)

Magic moments cards are basically the same as postit notes, but they look nicer and have 'magic moments' written on them! 

If you photocopy them in large size you could send them home for parents to fill in, ticking your communicating with parents box for Ofsted and using the parents comments to inform your assessment and planning. 

Literacy Assessment

Phonics Assessment using the Letters and Sounds scheme

Somewhere for you to store your Letters and Sounds phonics testing results to show progress. 

Reading Assessment

Using the first 100 words from the Letters and Sounds phonics scheme, split into terms to make it more manageable for the children. 

Assessment of Key Writing Piece

This is a sheet we are going to do once a half term on a key piece of writing linked to the topic we are doing, that piece of writing could be a shopping list, or letter to Santa, anything that all the children will be encouraged to do at their level and assessed. Differentiation is done by individual targets as there should be no support in this instance. 

Continuing Writing Assessment

Obviously you have your independent writing and mark making resources out for the children in every literacy and free flow lesson, so this sheet is a place where you can record the over all attainment of individual children's writing to show progress. You fill this sheet out monthly or half termly, as it suits your setting. 

Maths Assessment

Calculation, Number, Shape, Space and Measures

All my maths assessment sheets are in one file together. I have tried to organise the sheets in a way that will make it possible for practitioners to show progress as the children learn more in Reception. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi your assessment forms are just what my setting needs, especially the C of L form. I am unsure how to access them on Google Docs please can you let me know how. Thanks Jacqui
